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Abhijeet Bhasin

Abhijeet Bhasin

World Academy of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Surgery, India


Abhijeet Bhasin has completed his graduation from Modern Dental College and Research Centre, Indore in 2007 and has been practicing Implantology since then. He has done his Basic and Advanced Implantology training from Goethe University, Germany under the mentorship of Dr. Prof. Netwig and Dr. Porus Turner. He is a Member of Indian Society of Oral Implantologists (ISOI) and Vice President of Indian Dental Association, Indore Branch. He is the Vice President of World Academy of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Surgery (WAUPS) South East Asia and the Fellow of Academy of General Education and World Academy of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Surgery.


Abstract : Immediate Dental Implant Placement in Extraction Socket