Farhat Kazmi
Noura Bint Abdurehman University, KSA
Title: Pemphigus Vulgaris ! Is the body under attack?
Biography: Farhat Kazmi
Twenty-five years old male presented with the complaint of recurrent oral ulcerations and burning sensation
while taking salty and spicy food. General Physical examination of patient has showed normal vital with no blisters on the
body. Intraoral examination revealed multiple oral ulcerations on labial mucosa, bilateral buccal mucosa extending up to
the soft palate. Extraoral examination showed no palpable lymph nodes. Orthopantomogram was advised to rule out any
underlying pathology. Nikolsky test was performed which turned out to be positive. X-ray chest was advised to see the status
of Hilar lymph nodes which were invisible. Incisional biopsy was taken at multiple oral sites which showed suprabasal clefting
with acantholytic changes and spongiosis. Direct immunofluorescence detected immunoglobulin G deposits at the epithelial cell surfaces. Management included counseling of the patient/parents, systemic steroids, required vaccinations, monitoring of blood glucose during the treatment and follow up visits. Systemic steroid (Prednisone) 40 mg/day was advised and was tapered
up to 10 mg/day within nine months period. Vaccination for flu and Streptococcus pneumonia was given along with monitoring
of blood sugar after every three months. Bisphosphonates were given for bone metabolism. Remarkable improvement was seen
within two months period of treatment. Complete remission of disease occurred within nine months period