Emre Mumcu
Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
Title: Effect of implant supported prosthesis on marginal bone losses
Biography: Emre Mumcu
Long-term clinical evaluation of dental implants and their superstructure is crucial to have more information about causes of
success and failure. One of the most important success criteria that should be evaluated is the marginal bone level around
dental implants. A pathological decrease of the bone level could lead to loss of bone anchorage of the implant. The influence of
implant-related factors such as diameter, length or shape of the implant, as well as patient-related factors such as age, gender,
localization of the implant and prosthetic factors whether if it is removable or fixed, whether the implants are splinted or single
and if there is a cantilever situation or not, on the marginal bone loss are of interest for clinicians as well as research staff. The
aim of my speech is to evaluate the relation between the above listed parameters and marginal bone loss in my studies and to
draw conclusions.